80% Go Back

The Safe House Project recently released new research with sobering reminders on how difficult it is to heal from commercial sexual exploitation. Here is one stat that has been keeping me up at night: 80% of victims go back to the life of exploitation and sex trafficking because of inadequate after-care services. That is 8 out of every 10 women.

Why is that? After working with survivors for more than ten years, I have concluded that we must address the root issues of trauma. Otherwise, we will actually give a false hope that one can heal from sexual exploitation. A person experiencing trauma is continually reminded of an event that she does not understand. Because of this incompleteness, the trauma continues to manifest itself. And trauma is relentless in its drive to overtake the body, mind, and spirit. To address trauma at the root, a survivor must also be willing to be relentless in return and not grow weary in the slow process of healing. Devastatingly, other factors attempt to distract a survivor while she’s on her healing journey—things like homelessness, lack of job training, unattended-to substance addiction, unsafe environments, lack of community (to name just a few). That is why it’s likely for her to return to a life that she perceives as safe. For her, this seems like the only option for survival. According to research, 8 out of 10 make this choice.

This past month, one woman beat those odds and graduated from our Reside program. At her graduation, she shared this: “First, I lost my way and then I forgot where I was going. I was lost without a cause or a place to call home…I was presented with two choices, to either evolve or to repeat. I had caged my heart with barbed wire and a bulletproof vest and it fit like a glove. My heart had felt more violence and pain than I had ever felt love. I had to make choices that shattered my heart. When I got to NH, I had a mission. Stick to yourself to do whatever you have to do to get through this program.” As she shared this with the room packed full of her community and family, she went on to describe how she found herself again and her shattered, guarded heart was soft and full of faith. She likely would have been one of the 80% had she not had the support of Naomi’s House and the depth of programming she received for 15 months. She also shared this, “I owe everything to this. NH has provided me with every resource I needed, and it was my decision to take ownership of my own [healing] programming. This has been a second chance.”

This incredible woman, in her 50s, has moved into our Independent Living Program where she will continue to have wrap-around services from NH. She’s working, she’s reconnected to her family, and she’s flourishing. What more could we want for our sister!?

We are anticipating an incredible year at NH in 2023. Your prayers and support are needed more than ever. We recognize we are fighting against the hardships of sexual trauma and offering a glimmer of hope to those who believe there is no life outside their trauma experiences. That is why it’s risky when women trust NH for their healing. In addition to the services we provide, we share with them that they are being cheered for and held up by people that believe in them and their dignity. That is you.

Thank you, team, we are all so grateful. 



Making the Invisible Visible


Goodness Rising All Around