People are what make the difference in the lives of survivors whose lives have been shattered because of sex trafficking. Partnering with individuals and families allows survivors to start over and live flourishing lives when they journey through NH programming.
Ways to Connect
Direct Care Volunteers
Direct care volunteers build relationships with the women at NH through a variety of roles such as providing transportation, being a mentor, life skills teacher, group leader, or volunteer staff.
This role may be best suited for women who are passionate about serving survivors, is available to commit to consistent involvement, and are eager to share Christ's love with each woman. An application, background check, references, and training are required.
Admin Volunteers
Admin volunteers support NH staff and programming by assisting with administrative and operational tasks such as being a handyman, helping with mail stuffings, planning participants' graduations, purchasing items from our registry, and helping move graduates into their own apartments.
This role may be best suited for someone who is passionate about the mission of NH, is flexible in helping out as needed, or is unsure about working directly with survivors.
Group Volunteering
NH relies heavily on groups to help keep our spaces beautiful and to make holidays special for participants. Families, friend groups, and church or school groups can get involved by doing yard work, cleaning/organization, and gathering house/personal supplies and holiday gifts for participants.
This role may be best suited for any group that is interested in doing a one-time or recurring event with NH.
Meal Train
Our programs often have evening therapeutic groups where meals are provided. It not only provides nourishment, but community. You can sign up to provide a meal that you cook, order, or fund!
Shop Our Gift Lists
Shopping our gift lists is a unique way you can serve our women. Each program adds supplies to its program gift list as items are needed. Items range from practical needs to stocking up on office supplies.
Naomi's House Ambassador
Ambassadors serve as representatives of NH in your community. Ambassadors may help with ministry fairs at church, hosting a "shower", or simply intentionally sharing about NH with those you meet.
Church Engagement
Churches can partner with Naomi's House by inviting someone to speak, hosting a Human Trafficking 101 training, partnering with us financially, and coordinating group service projects.
Human Trafficking 101
If you'd like to learn more about the issue of sex trafficking in our community and what NH does to serve survivors, you can register to attend a Human Trafficking 101 training or host an HT 101 for your school, church, or business.
Join with us in prayer by receiving stories of transformation and prayer requests through our Naomi’s House newsletter.