Our Programs
We provide tailored support to victims and survivors wherever they are. Whether that is fully ingrained in commercial sexual exploitation, preparing to leave it, or beginning a new life of their own, we want women to know that they are not alone.
Women who are ready to build a life free from sexual exploitation are welcomed into our long-term, 24-hour residential program. Here, they find the safety and comfort they need to exit survival mode and face the trauma of their pasts. Our team works with each woman individually so that she can discover the unique sense of self-love, security, and belonging that is key to her healing.
This day program is for survivors who have already done extensive work to heal from sexual exploitation and seek continued growth. Accountability, continued education, job-skills training/placement, and counseling are provided as they begin to live independently, pursue healthy community and relationships, and rebuild connections with family.
In an effort to offer respite and hope to women stuck in sexual exploitation, our outreach initiative invites victims to “come as they are”—to be known, loved, and recharge at our conveniently located drop-in centers. Our team offers immediate support, a listening ear, and even a care plan outlining steps to a different life to every woman who walks through the door.