Simone Halpin Simone Halpin

50% of Identified Survivors

Naomi’s House is currently serving half of all the identified survivors of commercial sexual exploitation in IL*. We are so humbled by this reality, and we are equally grateful to be the leading organization in the state that is working with adult survivors of sex trafficking.

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Simone Halpin Simone Halpin

We’re Hiring!

Naomi’s House is currently looking to fill several roles with people who are committed to making a difference in the lives of Survivors, who love God and have a vibrant personal relationship with Him, and are passionate about loving His people. Both our Rise program, day programming in Wheaton, and our drop-in services in Chicago have roles to fill.

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Simone Halpin Simone Halpin

Making the Invisible Visible

“What Naomi’s House is doing is making the invisible visible.” This statement was recently made by a community partner as we met for lunch. I was struck with that insight. Commercial sex trafficking is invisible in our community. But yet, on a regular basis, we receive referrals and phone calls from women looking for help.

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Simone Halpin Simone Halpin

80% Go Back

The Safe House Project recently released new research with sobering reminders on how difficult it is to heal from commercial sexual exploitation. Here is one stat that has been keeping me up at night: 80% of victims go back to the life of exploitation and sex trafficking because of inadequate after-care services. That is 8 out of every 10 women.

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Simone Halpin Simone Halpin

Goodness Rising All Around

What a joy it is for me to deliver news of God’s goodness seen over this past year through our 2022 Annual Report! At every turn, God poured out care through Naomi’s House to survivors of sex trafficking, giving these beloved women true hope and healing.

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Simone Halpin Simone Halpin

Graduation No. 11, A Mom…

A woman in her 40s moved into NH Reside in the fall of 2020. Leaving behind an old life filled with homelessness and drug addiction, a life controlled by a pimp, this mom of two was fighting for her life. She had serious untreated mental illness and suffered from severe PTSD that included flashbacks of her abuse.

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